cPFence I've been running your https://cpfence.app/automating-updates-and-log-maintenance-on-your-enhance-server/ script on one of my servers for a few weeks now, and twice now, as the script has run, it seems to have silently killed postfix - it's still running according to ps, but the daemon stops sending mail, the regular cycle of "connect from localhost[]" log entries stops, and I have to restart the daemon to get it to start sending emails again.
I can only presume the daemon is getting upset that its log files are being messed with while it's still active, but if that were the only problem here, then I assume everyone would be running into issues, not just me. It is possible that there was a conflict between the script and scheduled backups which were also available to run at 6am (I have now disabled this), and I've also moved the script's execution to 6:30am, just to move it off of the hour mark, in case there was some other system update routine running, but I thought I'd ask - have you had this issue yourself, or had others reporting something similar?