Thinking more deeply, Enhance in my opinion is very close to supporting ARM processors.
As far as I know appcd is written in Rust so it will also work on ARM.
Other software that I know Enhance uses also supports ARM
- Databases, MySQL and MariaDB are supported on ARM.
- PowerDNS is also supported.
- Email services I believe are also supported.
- Backups - should also work.
- web server - currently only Apache and NGINX will be available when Enhance releases it. Unfortunately OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed do not yet support ARM processors. This is a great pity, because I use them as my main servers. But as far as I know LiteSpeed is planning to release ARM support so it's only a matter of time.
- PHP is supported.
- And of course docker also support ARM.
Obviously I don't know all the details of the Enhance software but what I see is supported on ARM.
You can of course release ARM support in beta for e.g. just clusters databases, email, dns and backups and when all web servers support ARM then that too.
It is possible, for example, to create a server with AMD64 only for the web server and, for example, for databases using ARM. This will reduce costs for all of us significantly.
In addition, you will also get some free publicity through various companies who will write that you support ARM.
@Adam what do you think?