Aliysa_Enhance I think this would be perfect! Do you think we would then be able to auto upgrade all clients on an existing package when we add new server locations?
Adrien This is covered already - All changes to an existing package are automatically applied to all new and existing subscribers.
Package support for multiple sever groups with user ability to select server location has been roadmapped and has a scheduled release of July:
Aliysa_Enhance Thanks a lot! that's good news.
Aliysa_Enhance before release can we make sure this is able to be configured(location), via Upmind? Currently we have a package for each location and size location - package etc
Zoinkies Very good point/reminder. If this feature plays well with Upmind it would be perfect.
Zoinkies Aliysa_Enhance before release can we make sure this is able to be configured(location), via Upmind? Currently we have a package for each location and size location - package etc
Do you mean that you would like Upmind to select the location from the server groups you made available to that plan, when it adds the website on behalf of the customer? If so, that's something Upmind would need to implement. They will be able to pull the available server groups from getPlan and they can then submit the serverGroupId when calling createWebsite.
Adam yes exactly this.
[unknown] If you can't ensure that it works with Upmind off the bat, can you make this optional, as I cannot afford to break my provisioning 🙂
Hey @Adam is it not possible to setup location based choice within the WHMCS, by using the existing WHMCS provisioning module? At least for admins?
Dusan Hey @Adam is it not possible to setup location based choice within the WHMCS, by using the existing WHMCS provisioning module? At least for admins?
WHMCS doesn't have awareness of your server locations when provisioning a new account. Generally you would provision the hosting through WHMCS then let the customer choose the location at the point of website creation. As an alternative, some customers choose to run a separate cluster for each location which would then enable you to move the location choice into WHMCS.
@Adam Couldn't it though? The integration already references a package ID, could it not just reference a Location ID, based on Configurable options set in WHMCS?
Would really like to set this up, to work well!
nljc88 blesta"s module already does it, it's possible, there is an open source module from whmcs that you can contribute so it is done I don't believe enhance will work on that anytime soon
We created a WHMCS module that allows you to use configurable options on the order checkout form to select which Location/Server group to provision the website to. This way we only have one product and the client chooses his geo-location during checkout. The module uses API to automatically fetch all server groups from Enhance and automatically set up the configurable options for you. I'll release the module if the interest is high enough.
Helix Would love to test the module.
Helix definitely interested!!