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Server management
More backup settings for each hosting package, individually determined [LOGGED]
Sensible folder names in website directory
Ability to look at client usage at a glance [LOGGED]
Staging Site Server Role
Display average container CPU / RAM usage
Releem integration - MySQL Performance Tuning as a Service
WHMCS and dedicated serves
Move Sites for Whole Customer
DNS GeoIP backend support
Site Level Option: Block all IP's except for Cloudflare IP Ranges
CNAME Flattening - CNAMEs at a Domain Root [LOGGED]
Integration Kuma opensource infrastructure monitoring
Integration Bunny.net dns and vanity nameservers [LOGGED]
Server/disk cleanup option in server management
Hight availibity, fault-tolerant control panel
/var/log/postfix.log is no longer packed
Please, integrate and support CSF (ConfigServer Security and Firewall)
Simple rename domain name in website [LOGGED]
Update MYSQL to 8.0.34 or 8.1
Essential Upgrades for Better Resource Monitoring and Client Transparency
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