Shaijee Overall, I won’t hide that it’s partly a drama. This update has been dragging on for months, while PLESK has major updates every month that bring many changes. I’m not sure if the Enhance team is small or if they've somewhat fallen apart, because updates used to come earlier despite everything, and now we’ve had several months without any updates, which I regret.

    grradmin Agreed. To make such comparisons, one literally has to remove all nuance/semantics. Enhance has been in development for what... 2 years? A quick search would show you that Plesk has 200+ team members across the globe, and has been in active development since around/before 2001.

    Plesk is like the Michelin-starred restaurant (it's really not), while Enhance is a new and hot food truck trying to get its first menu right. Enhance needs time. Give it a chance to serve up something great.

    @DracoBlue What do you actually mean by "I won't hide that it's partly a drama"?

      DracoBlue Overall, I won’t hide that it’s partly a drama. This update has been dragging on for months, while PLESK has major updates every month that bring many changes. I’m not sure if the Enhance team is small or if they've somewhat fallen apart, because updates used to come earlier despite everything, and now we’ve had several months without any updates, which I regret.

      I regret losing my $500/month client due to panel limitations. He had been with me for the last three years but left within a month after switching from RunCloud to Enhance Panel.

      Backup System Issues

      The backup system is not realistic for production-level use: We can't customize the backup schedule as needed. There is no option to enable or disable backups site-wise; everything runs in parallel.

      We only need frequent backups for a few sites, while others only require backups once a week or month. However, due to the current setup, all 49 sites are backed up every hour.

      Email System Issues

      The email system is unrealistic and lacks production-level features:

      1. There are no restrictions on a per-domain or per-email basis, which is essential for managing a shared platform. The system lacks real protection against email spammers.
      2. Useful RoundCube plugins cannot be used due to the panel's structure.
      3. Clients frequently report RoundCube connection issues, SMTP errors, and draft save issues. Check Postfix logs (/var/log/postfix.log) for more...

      Other Issues

      1. I found yesterday that the LiteSpeed Cache plugin does not purge cache properly.
      2. Quic.Cloud Domain Key verification has not worked for a long time.

      These issues collectively led to my client leaving, which is a significant loss for my business.

      • Rich replied to this.

        btraill The replication of the control panel was initially planned for January 2023, so calculate how many months and years have passed.

          DracoBlue How is that "a drama"? If you want to play a game of comparisons with Plesk -- when did Plesk roll out proper migration/replication? If memory serves right, it was apart of Onyx which released around 2016. There was a more limited migration tool available in 9.5... but still, that's 2015.

          The very initial/lacking migration functionality was Plesk 7. That's 2004ish. 2001 -> 2004 -- calculate how many months and years had passed.

          Shouldn't you take that into consideration when hedging all of your comparisons on a much more mature panel? It appears you've willingly left all nuance at the door.

          It's wild to continually see these comparisons.

            Shaijee "I found yesterday that the LiteSpeed Cache plugin does not purge cache properly." I had this same problem on cPanel and Plesk, especially if I used the tools to update the WP website from outside of it, rather than logging into it and performing updates. It's not a Enhance only problem. There is a helper plugin out there that assisted with mitigating this issue - it appears to work fine for Enhance too.

            I totally agree with the backup schedule, that is more important to get fixed, I don't need every website having 1 hour backups, some sites I don't even need backed up and all these add up to my storage allowance ballooning and having a cron based script to purge unwanted backups when storage hits 90%. A little more control would go a long way.

            That said I prefer this backup system compared to zip archives, even diff zip archives. The tools for this backup system are primitive, let alone basic. Yet the foundation is awesome and better than the competition for efficiency. Given time, I am sure all our backup needs will be met. The team know what's needed of the backup system in the long run, we don't need to keep telling them.

            I know there is more for email, HAM and SPAM controls could be better... not having * is very limiting when needing to block spammers. Sieve filtering etc... Again I know it will come in time.

            I am sorry you lost a large client like that, but either that client wasn't for you, or you could of put them on their own box with cpanel at that price point. You decided to stick with Enhance for that client.

            For me I am frustrated with the lack of web server persistence stopping me from reverse proxying. Either I have to setup a separate server for other software, or use a panel like Cyberpanel (Just kidding I'd rather manually put it together) so waiting on this and node.js is a pain point for many. (one that will hopefully be resolved by the end of the year)

            My only request, is that if there is going to be significant delays to v12 that push it past October, the team articulates this to us, so we can dampen our expectations. The point of this thread is the continued delays to the roadmap.

            btraill @DracoBlue is neither a hoster or a developer for end clients. He hosts sites and projects for himself and friends. (As far as I remember him once alluding too, feel free to correct me @DracoBlue )

            Some of the most vocal people on these forms are minor players, myself included. I like it when people with large estates talk, they're the ones with more skin in the game.

              My issue isn't with the delay of the update itself, i've been a software dev for years and shit happens. But the lack of posts here to keep us up to date is really bad.

              If there was a really quick post a couple days before the estimate simply saying it wont be here due to X,Y,Z but here is what we are working towards I would be happy.

                Rich I really liked PLESK, especially when it came to restoring backups. I would set up a new server with the PLESK panel, connect the backup from Google, and restore the entire panel along with the websites to the new server. Unfortunately, I miss this feature in Enhance. However, the constantly increasing price forced me to migrate to Enhance.

                Aliysa_Enhance I'd like to reassure everyone that we appreciate delays are frustrating and acknowledge that we are not the fastest at communicating roadmap changes. We will be taking steps to improve our comms and update the roadmap as soon as we are aware of any potential delays.

                As many people have touched on, v12 is a significant rewrite and has thrown up a number of technical challenges. Each of these has added significant development time. V12 is currently undergoing extensive testing and as with all release our prirority is to provide a stable release.

                This message says it all, folks. It's clear that the Enhance team is working hard to ensure that v12 is both stable and reliable upon release. Pushing for an early release could lead to issues down the line that we'd all prefer to avoid. As frustrating as delays can be, it's always better to wait for a well-tested and polished product.

                Adam told me that they were 2-3 weeks away from release about 18 days ago, and while we're close to that window, software development timelines can sometimes shift. If it takes an extra week to iron out any remaining challenges, I think it’s worth the wait.

                Let’s continue to trust the team to deliver the quality we’ve come to expect and give them the space to focus on the release without rushing them.

                It really feels like they need to hire more support reps or someone who can spend some time that's focused on community communication.

                A weekly "state of development" takes less than hour of time right? Send it out to all customers. If unexpected bug came up just say that. If team member left causing manhour shortage say that.

                I do freelance web development and a very fast way to piss off a client is being late and giving no details repeatedly. Most reasonable clients will prefer the honesty of "we are even further behind because x, new plan is y and we finished z"

                Then again I've never managed a large team so maybe I'm an idiot and expect too much.

                I would have preferred multiple updates instead of one big update and prioritizing the most needed features/fixes first.
                One big update drags on and can take only one feature erroring to cause delays, once that feature is fixed something else may break causing another delay.

                I really miss being able to use email blocking with wildcards, catch all email, accessing rspamd normally standard features in a panel.

                  I moved here in July (from Plesk) and i'm loving Enhance and it's clear that this update serves to lay the foundations for future updates, whether small or large, so i can understand problems and delays, but I won't hide that these delays scare me. Taking a look at old release notes, there wasn't a single month without updates, on average every 2 weeks there was an update (small or large). Here the last update is on August 1st and we're going towards 3 MONTHS WITHOUT an update, even a bug fix, which is a bit like a fantasy film for modern IT.

                  I know this panel is relatively new and I'm not saying that I have second thoughts about the choice, but I would also like to stay calm about the future support. I just hope that this v12 doesn't get delayed any further and that this version is a small bottleneck for them, so when that once it's released, everything will be a bit more streamlined for Enhance.

                  Shaijee Don't waste your energy on these kinds, they just want attention, poor souls..

                  lets all focus on making enhance the greatest control panel in history by sharing our feedback and yes we will share our feedback no matter how small changes we want to see in enhance cz ultimately it'll gonna make enhance great and us as users happy!

                    I understand the frustration with bugs, but I find it a bit hard to follow the complaints about missing features compared to other control panels. When I decided to progressively migrate my entire infrastructure from cPanel to Enhance, I evaluated the available features and made a choice. I also considered the backup functionality, and in the end, I moved part of my servers because, while it's not perfect, it works for me at the moment.

                    No one is forced to make these migrations, and basing decisions solely on the roadmap is a mistake.

                    Personally, I’d rather have a feature arrive late than see a disaster from an early release forced through due to community pressure, without proper testing.

                    For instance, I absolutely need Node.js, but I’m not going to start complaining just because it’s been pushed to 2025 on the roadmap. I fully understand that the dates on a roadmap are just indicative, and this was a risk I knowingly chose to take.

                    That said, what I might suggest is creating two development tracks: one for new features and one dedicated to bug fixes. There are some bugs that are quite simple to fix but have been ignored for a bit too long. Perhaps this is due to the extensive code rewrite in v12, which might render some bug fixes obsolete anyway.

                    Guys chill. I am developer and I know how things works. Most of the requested stuff requires restructuring and I believe Enhance is doing this major changes, so they can easily do what the community needs in future updates. Software engineering is not as easy as it looks like and people makes mistakes. I believe they have seen their mistakes and have changed the course of development - that is the reason for being late on features. Once the restructuring is done, I am confident that Enhance will deliver its promises for better control panel and all stuff done right. Be patient.

                    DracoBlue We moved all our shared hosting customers away from Plesk to Enhance from October 2023 through August 2024. Overall, we lost a few in that move, but we did our due diligence to let our customers know why we were moving our shared hosting products away from Plesk.

                    As we were moving we received feedback. Most of them feel the email is more rudimentary, but workable (compared to the free version of Plesk Premium Email which is a stripped down Kolab Server). ALL of them love the backups, because it just works vs. Plesk backup pro which takes FOREVER to restore a site. ALL of them love the much faster page load/ TTFB of the Enhance system. A fair number of them feel the interface is better, but some things, like DNS records (I man come on, we need a table-like system for large-scale edits) and setting up email users are more difficult in Enhance than Plesk - And I agree with them on those points. ALL of them hate the limited options for logs in the current system, but since we made the commitment to step in an help until better logs come to the interface, they are generally happy.

                    With that said, All but 2 of our larger dedicated customers are still on Plesk, and will remain there (with a few exceptions) while our new vm customers can decide what they want.

                    I was reading about losing a large customer by another forum member, and the first thing I thought was, that is your fault. Why would you force that high-paying customer to move, and go through the changes involved, and then not IMMEDIATELY rectify by moving them back to the original platform that worked for them. I am sorry, that is NO fault of Enhance, but is their fault.

                    I made the SAME initial mistake when I migrated our test base of customers in October of 2023 (around 50 customers). I thought I had done my due diligence, but had missed some glaring issues with the Enhance of that period. I immediately reached out to the 4 customers who were unhappy, and moved them back to Plesk servers. Fast forward to July-August 2024, with v. 11, those same customers were ready to take the plunge, and are now very happy (except for email and logs) with the overall experience.

                    We have the normal complaints about Enhance from our customers, but we also have a much higher number of complaints from Plesk customers (for different reasons) and some of those Plesk issues have tickets that have been open for months or in 1 case over a year. Nothing is perfect.

                    I don't think we have a single open ticket with Enhance that has an unresolved matter. And all but a few were resolved by the Enhance team in hours vs. weeks with Plesk

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