nsevimov Yes, the panel is good but if they kept their promises everything would be fine.
Node.js was supposed to come in January 2024 and panel replication in December 2023.
Now we are November 2024 and those features are still missing.
Roundcube has vulnerabilities for which Enhance have not yet released an update and need to be manually updated by us.
So I prefer stability over innovation.
I totally get where you’re coming from. I think Adam should consider switching the roadmap to quarterly targets instead of fixed dates. A lot of people skip over the word 'estimated' and assume these dates are set in stone.
For us, panel replication isn’t an issue at all. We use a VPS for our main control panel with snapshot backups, and honestly, even when the replication feature is released, we’ll stick with snapshot backups , they’re reliable and make sense for several reasons. I think this is the approach most should follow anyway.
As for vulnerabilities, I’ll say this: Enhance is far more secure than DirectAdmin or cPanel (if you’re not using CloudLinux). Personally, I’m fine manually upgrading Roundcube in two minutes rather than paying for CloudLinux, LiteSpeed, JetBackup, etc., that Enhance saves me from needing. We were manually applying security patches on cPanel anyway. For instance, some vulnerabilities reported to cPanel went unpatched for over two years!
If you’re running a busy shared hosting server, I’d never recommend a panel without complete account isolation (like CloudLinux or a similar solution). Especially if you’re using Apache instead of LiteSpeed, that’s a big security risk.
I get that Node.js support can be essential for some businesses. But for the majority of shared hosting companies, it’s not a top priority. If it is for you, Enhance might not have been the right fit from the start.