markbacsko Hello, BitNinja looks excellent. However, adopting BitNinja would require me to pay twice as much compared to the bulk price of Immunify 360.
If you think the features/performance of BitNinja VS Immunify 360 justifies a 100% increase on the bill, I'd be interested in taking a test.
From reading your website, it looks like BitNinja:
- Offers the black-and-white lists both for server clusters or on a per-server basis, whereas it still isnβt a fully streamlined experience for Immunify360
- Is less resource intensive VS Immunify and with a better Engine (+Yara)
This article was interesting. However, it does not mention that BitNinja costs double the price of Immunify. That's my only point of friction.
Can you match Enhance generous pricing philosophy like MediaServe mentioned? Or will you stick to cPanel spirit? This is my question ;-)